We are working very hard to take care of our clients during their booked visits. In order to be fair to all our clients we have a strict cancellation and attendance policy.
Your appointment time is reserved especially for you. Late arrival may result in a modified treatment time so that the next guest is not kept waiting. Full charges will apply.
We ask for 48 hours notice before a cancellation or appointment change to allow other clients to have a time slot. Failure to inform us within 48 hours will lead to cancellation of your one treatment appointment.
All treatments, procedures and services purchased are non-refundable. If you no longer wish to attend pre paid appointments we are happy to accommodate you by applying the cost of non used procedures towards another treatments, subject to the availability.
Any and all products purchased at our Clinic are similarly non refundable. In some circumstances and in case by case basis we may be able to offer credit towards purchases of other products or/ and services at the Clinic.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact us at any time by phone or email.
therapeutic skincare solutions